CMSD82 Strategic Plan 2022-2027 – Engage, Ignite, Empower

In Coast Mountains School District 82, we are proud of our successes and the positive impact we have on students’ lives.  Our Board of Education remains committed to putting students at the centre of everything we do with special thanks to the hard work and commitment of our staff who are highly skilled, motivated and committed to the well-being, inclusion and success of our students in every one of our schools.  We are always challenging ourselves to be even better for our students.

As School District 82 continues to grow and evolve, our Board of Education has developed a Strategic Plan through the culmination of extensive consultation with students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members.  The commitment and enthusiasm shown in developing this plan has demonstrated how deeply passionate our communities are about the education and well-being of our children, our youth, and our communities.

The Board of Education is pleased to present a clear, strong, collective vision and plan to guide us as we move forward over the next five years (2022-2027).  To view the CMSD82 Strategic Poster & Plan 2022-2027, please access the link provided below.  The development and implementation of the Strategic Plan provides a collective focus for the school district to pursue the Board’s significant priorities and goals.

CMSD82 Strategic Poster & Plan 2022-2027

Guided by the Mission, Values and Vision statements, the Strategic Plan identifies our strategic priorities and goals.  These priorities reflect our commitment to:

 All Students Realizing their Full Potential
Honouring and Respecting Culture and Diversity
Well-Being within the Educational Community

Our five-year Strategic Plan offers a framework to guide administration, staff, parents/guardians and students towards more relevant and engaging learning experiences.  Now that the Board of Education has finalized the priorities, the school district’s senior leadership will create the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL).  The goals outlined in the operational plan (FESL) will be clearly outlined, with measurable and achievable goals, providing the next steps for our school district.  There is a commitment from the school district to use our plan for continuous quality improvements, being reflective, accountable and innovative in our focus on excellence in achieving learning outcomes.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Strategic Plan.  The Board of Education recognizes that we cannot achieve our goals alone – your engagement and involvement in this process is highly valued and very gratefully received.  We invite staff, students, families, educational partner groups and community members to learn more and support us in achieving our Goals, living our Values and achieving our Vision.

Please continue to engage in the conversations about the future of our school district community by attending Public Board Meetings, DPAC and PAC Meetings or emailing our Superintendent Janet Meyer at with feedback or questions.

Learning Together, Realizing Success for All – Engage, Ignite, Empower!



BC Government Expands Health and Safety Measures for K-12 Students


The Provincial government updated its K-12 education health and safety guidelines to require masks for kindergarten to Grade 3 students.

Earlier today, Education Minister Jennifer Whiteside and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced updates to the Public Health Communicable Disease Guidance for K-12 Schools and the Provincial COVID-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 Settings to require masks for kindergarten to Grade 3 students.

Beginning Monday, October 4, 2021, all students in B.C. schools will be required to wear a mask when inside a school building, including while at their desks and on buses.  This builds on the existing guidelines that currently apply to all students in grades 4 to 12.

As always, students will not be required to wear a mask if they are unable to for health or behavioural reasons.  A full list of exemptions can be found on the B.C. Ministry of Health website.  School personnel will ensure that students exempt from wearing a mask are supported.

Parents/guardians should contact their School Principal if they have questions or they require further information.



The Family Summer Literacy Boost … We Will Be Ready For September!

Coast Mountains School District 82 is pleased to provide the opportunity to the families of Bear Valley, Kildala Elementary, Kitwanga Elementary and Suwilaawks Community Schools with “free access” to the Summer Reading Boost Program.  School District 82 purchased licenses for these schools to access this program featuring Dr. Janet Mort and the Joyful Literacy Teacher Team.  The Summer Reading Boost Program was created in partnership with SD 91 (Nechako Lakes) due to the growing concern with the negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on early learners … with summer looming, they knew for many struggling children the gaps will continue to grow.

This home-based program comprises 10 videos (video titles provided below) that instructs parents how to teach and practice Foundational Skills (K to 3).  Each video is supported with a handout package of over 100 games, activities, read-aloud strategies and checklists from Janet Mort’s new book “Parent Power: You can teach your child to read!”  All games and activities are designed to be productive, playful and fun for the whole family. We invite parents/guardians to use the program all summer long and throughout the next school year.

This series of ten 20-minute videos can be easily streamed online by parents for playful practice activities with important Foundational Skills all summer long.  You can also download the videos for offline viewing.  Each video is accompanied by a package of handouts that include instructions, games and activities for each video topic.
Video Titles include (package handouts for each video provided below):

  • Alphabet Crazy Fun 1: My Family Teaches Me My ABC’s
  • Alphabet Crazy Fun 2: Games, Practice and Celebrations
  • Phonemic Play 1: Learning to read in the dark?
  • Phonemic Play 2: Tricking Our Ears!
  • Superpower Sight Words 1: One Two Three – READ!!!
  • Superpower Sight Words 2: Practice, Play and Performance
  • Come-alive Reading: It’s party-time reading in my home.
  • Echo and Repeated Reading: I read just like you.
  • Reading Buddies: Teaching Me, Loving Me and Reading with Me
  • Writing Buddies: My Pen, Your Pen, Our Pen

How to Access the Video Series:

  1. Click on the “Video Showcase Link” provided below.
  2. Enter the password provided below in the “Enter Password” box and click the “Submit” button.
  3. You will now have access to stream the video series online, or download individual videos to view them offline (see instructions below).

Video Showcase Link:


  • s78WRm36kD

Package Handouts with Instructions, Games and Activities for each Video Topic:

Questions about the Parent Power Summer Literacy Boost?  Contact

Tips and Resources for Talking to your Kids or Students about COVID-19

During this time, it is understandable for children to have questions or express concern about the COVID-19 virus.  As parents, teachers or caregivers, it is important to stay informed and communicate in age-appropriate ways that address children’s questions and helps them take steps to keep themselves and others healthy.

Here are some tips and resources to help:

  • Don’t be afraid to talk about it: Convey the facts and set an emotionally reassuring tone.
  • Be age-appropriate: Teens can process and handle a higher level of detail than five year olds. Focus on answering your child/student’s questions. Do your best to answer honestly and clearly; it’s okay if you can’t answer everything.
  • Follow their lead: Invite your child or student to ask questions and share their perspective: Invite them to tell you anything they may have heard about the coronavirus and express how they feel.
  • Check yourself: Feeling anxious?  Take some time to calm down before trying to have a conversation or answer your child’s questions.
  • Focus on actions you can take: Emphasize safety precautions everyone can take to help keep themselves and others healthy: good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, social distancing and staying home if you aren’t feeling well.
  • Stick to routine: Structured days with regular mealtimes and bedtimes are an essential part of keeping kids happy and healthy.
  • Keep talking: Tell kids/students you will keep them updated as you learn more.  Let them know the lines of communication are going to be open and as you learn more, you will share the information with them, too.


BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool


The provincial government has released a self-assessment tool (click on link to open) that can be accessed by the public amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The free, online tool, was made available on Monday, March 16 and tells users if they, or someone they know, requires further testing.

This self-assessment tool, developed with the BC Ministry of Health, will help determine whether you may need further assessment or testing for COVID-19.  You can complete this assessment for yourself, or on behalf of someone else, if they are unable to.

Who should be tested for COVID-19?

People with respiratory symptoms who are:

  • Hospitalized, or likely to be hospitalized
  • Health Care Workers
  • Residents of long term care facilities
  • Part of an investigation of a cluster or outbreak

Who does not need to be tested for COVID-19?

  • People without symptoms
  • Patients with mild respiratory symptoms who can be managed at home, including returning travellers with an onset of illness within 14 days of return to Canada

The BC Ministry of Health strongly urges anyone who has symptoms – including a fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, or difficulty breathing – to self-isolate for 14 days.  To protect yourself while out in public, wash your hands frequently and maintain a distance of about 2 metres from others. For more information on COVID-19, refer to HealthLink BC’s COVID-19 website.  Last updated: 3/16/2020 11:00 pm PDT

The province has created a phone service to provide non-medical information about COVID-19, including the latest information on travel recommendations and social distancing. Information is available in more than 110 languages, 7:30 am – 8 pm at 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 604-630-0300.


Suwilaawks After-School Programs

Afterschool Brochure suwilaawks wc (2)



Suwilaawks Community School Facebook Page

Search Suwilaawks Community School and request to join.

Suwilaawks Composts!

suwilaawks compostsSuwilaawks Students Are Composting

Being a ‘green’ school, the staff and students of Suwilaawks have entered into the exciting world of compost.   A huge thank you to Telus for providing the industrial sized composters.   Mini-compost collecting bins are in each classroom.  During the day, a team of composters stealthily move through the hallways and collect the waste to put in the huge compost bins.

The formula for greens (organic waste) and browns (kind of like the filler) is an art.  If too many greens are added, the compost becomes liquidy.  We do try to recycle as much as possible and the school’s discarded papers are shredded and added to the compost.  This helps balance the ‘greens’.  Once in the barrels, the students turn the bins with a giant ‘steering’ wheel.   It is amazing how much heat is produced.  The finished compost is then put in our community gardens.  The entire process is quite the learning experience.

Code of Conduct and Suwilaawks Plan Posted under “Home” Tab

Daily Physical Activity

 We’ve been moving and grooving every morning … singing together,  learning to dance together and most importantly creating a warm and welcoming place for our kids to shine.  Favourites have been:  the Chicken Dance, the YMCA and the twist.  Gathering together each morning has been an amazing opportunity to showcase our student talent and our student energy.     Special thanks to Clifton for sharing his love and talent on the piano as he played Fur Elise to a mesmerized crowd.  Also kudos to Anika for giving us the opportunity to hear her play her guitar and sing an outstanding version of  ‘You Are My Sunshine”.  We are a school filled with talent.