Category Archives: FYI

Identity Day Video

Suwilaawks Identity Day

First Annual Identity Day – Huge Success!!!

Pictures from 2011 – 2012


Head Lice




This is the time of year when head lice may show up in

your child’s hair. To prevent the spread of head lice

amongst children at school, we ask that you remind

your child NOT TO SHARE PERSONAL ITEMS (combs,

brushes, hats, etc.) We also ask that you check your

child’s hair weekly for the presence of head lice.

Further information about the detection and treatment

of head lice is available at the Public Health Unit.  Check out

their website at

 Your cooperation is much appreciated.



Thank you PAC. We now have access to online books!

Check out our new link to Tumblebooks on the left side of our page… or click on the Media Centre Tab

It’s Easy Being Green!!

Suwilaawks Community School would like to eliminate paper newsletters by Earth Day, April 22, 2012.  Please let the office know your email address so an electronic copy can be delivered to your in-box.  A limited amount of paper copies will be available for pick-up in our lobby.  Thank you for helping us to eliminate paperer waste.